2016 Resolutions

New-Years-Resolutions-PhotoHello from the other side (in my Adele voice). I hope you are enjoying the holiday season and making the most of it however and whatever you celebrate. I am enjoying family time which is what I like most about the holidays. I’m also thinking about what I want my 2016 to look like. What needs to be different or stay the same in my life that I can control. I hope this article brings a little Sunday motivation and/or inspiration.

I’m sure like me, you are making New Year’s resolutions. Drop 20 pounds, work out more, spend more time with family, stop talking about people, etc. While these are all good goals to work toward, are you truly making realistic resolutions? Do you understand how to achieve your resolutions? One of the definitions for the word resolution is “To solve a problem.” Another definition is “A decision to do something or behave in a certain manner. “ Keep these definition in mind when making your resolutions.

Obviously we make weight loss goals because we are not at an ideal weight. You plan to spend more time with family because you’re not putting in enough time now. Most of us make the resolution and that’s where it begins and ends. The gym is crazy crowded the month of January and it slowly starts to die down as February approaches……all those weight loss resolutions quickly not being resolved.
This year when you make your resolutions make sure to thoroughly understand the problem and why you have to make the resolution in the first place. You knew all last year you needed to lose weight but didn’t, what’s going to change in 2016? Break it down a bit further and you may actually achieve that resolution. I’m not at an ideal weight because I eat too much and don’t exercise, but I don’t exercise because I’m tired and don’t make time in my day to do so. We can easily make goals and resolutions, but we can just as quickly talk ourselves out of completing them. Everyone in the world has a problem or something that can be improved on but only a few succeed at doing that. Not for lack of ability but for lack of planning and remaining motivated and determined.

Steps to your New Year resolves include 1. Figure out the problem 2. Make your resolution 3. Plan concrete steps to work toward that resolution (start now) 4. Put your plan into action (Remember you have 12 months to complete) 4. Success 5. Figure out your 2016 problem for your 2017 resolutions : )

XOXO Mommy Stylez


Hi guys! To start off this food filled week, I wanted to talk about these homemade egg rolls I made. Kudos to my sistercousin for the inspiration. I made them today for dinner and I’m pretty sure baby Jordyn called me mom in Chinese. Yeah, they were that good!

I found the egg roll wraps at my local Shoprite. They were minding their own business in the produce isle where they have the organic and vegan items. I just happened to look in this direction and saw them. The packaging is below.

Ingredients: Ground chicken (cooked), Bag of mixed raw slaw (mine included broccoli, cabbage, carrots), Salsa, Avocado, Shredded mozzarella, Sweet and Sour Sauce

egg rolls2

I had leftover ground chicken already cooked, but you can use whatever type of meat you want. Just make sure the meat is shredded or ground once it’s cooked for easy preparing and eating. I sautéed the vegetable slawin a pan with just some coconut oil cooking spray. While that was sautee’ing the oven was heating up at 425 degrees. I laid out my egg roll wraps (I used 5) package comes with 20. I added my chicken (still cold from the fridge) to the dough, the slaw was cooked so I added about 2 teaspoons of that mix, sprinkle of cheese, tsp of salsa and a slice of avocado. Next I folded my wrap, bottom corner up, then side corners and rolled the rest. For the vegetable rolls just simply leave out the chicken and repeat the same steps.

The directions on the egg roll package say to fry the egg rolls about 2-3 minutes and then bake for up to 5 minutes. So I fried them on each side in a little olive oil (I did not deep fry these bad boys) just let them brown. After frying I placed the rolls in my baking pan and let them bake for about 5 minutes on each side. The egg rolls were nice and crispy and a pretty brown color. I happened to have some sweet and sour sauce for dipping and dinner was served.

egg rolls

The whole meal took me about 20 minutes to prep and cook, super quick and easy. These egg rolls allow for so much variety, you can fill them with anything. Most of the ingredients I used, I already had in my fridge. I think I’m going to try some sort of breakfast egg roll tomorrow, since I have 15 wraps left.

Bon Appetite


Time Management refresher!!


About two years ago, I switched companies and started working in home care. This was a position that allowed me to be a lot more flexible and Independent with my work schedule. This was a good thing, but it also meant I had to be accountable for myself. I have to make sure I make my schedule daily so all patients get seen and all paper work is completed timely when I get home. Let me tell you, when you are allowed to work at home, procrastination comes way too easy. I’m human, so I absolutely did procrastinate and paid for it on the weekends. Time management was something I had to learn in college, but once I graduated, it went under the radar again.  IOn top of that, a year later I went and had a baby. Now I not only had to manage myself but now another human being….Cray Cray!

Generally speaking my day consists of morning routine, work, kid/mommy time, more work, house work, next day prep and bedtime routine. If I break this down even more, my anxiety will creep back up, and nobody has time for that. I quickly got my ish together and figured out ways to keep me on schedule and on time, so I can get things done without having a panic attack. Below are quick, simple, realistic suggestions that keep me on track. I’m no longer spending my life constantly running around like a chicken with my head cut off. This allows me to work and play, even if my play means just lying across the bed doing nothing. I earned it! I hope this helps some of you readers out there.

1. Have a plan- each week I make a generalized plan of what needs to be done by the end of that week. This includes daycare stuff, appointments, meetings, work things, chores and errands.

2. Write it down- At 31 my memory is shot and if I don’t write things down I will forget. It’s too easy not to either write something down quickly, type a list in your phone, screen shot a picture or whatever to help you remember. Writing things down also allows me to get a visual of what needs to be done. This keeps my stress level down and as I complete tasks I make sure to cross them off my list. The shorter the list, the better I feel.

3. Daily lists- We already know what needs to get done for the week, but that needs to be broken down into specific, shorter, doable lists. This allows you to complete a few things everyday so you don’t feel overwhelmed. This way, come Saturday you don’t have 20 things to do and can’t enjoy your weekend : ).

4. Allot windows of time to complete tasks- I allow myself 20 minutes to drop a load of laundry in the wash and fold a load. I give myself one hour to complete paperwork before picking up the kid. This allows me to meet a goal within a time frame so I have time later to do other things. This further keeps me from procrastinating.

Here is a small example of a weekly list and then 2 daily lists. Break them down however you need to. If you have to run errands you may want to go to locations that are near each other on the same day. You may want to have your weekly list completed by Thursday. There is no right way as long as it improves your day to day.

Weekly Goals

  • Food shopping
  • Pay bills
  • Buy Halloween costume
  • Finish 3 online courses
  • Cleaners/Laundry
  • Bank
  • Gym

Monday Goals

  • Food shopping
  • Purchase costume
  • Wash babies’ clothes

Tuesday Goals

  • Pay bills
  • Finish 1 online course
  • 30 minute workout

MommyStylez : )


October has flown by and we are in the last week of this month’s meal plan Monday. My snacks have been pretty much the same and I am getting bored with them. For November, I plan to come up with at least 3 new snack ideas.
I don’t have access to a microwave or refrigerator during my work day therefore my snack and lunch choices take that into consideration.
This week’s dinner star is boneless, skinless chicken

clean eating

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday
Breakfast Oatmeal, protein drink Oatmeal, Green tea, grapes Egg scramble, toast Canadian bacon, Toast, grapes


Avocado toast, protein drink Egg scramble with toast, Coffee
Snack 2 graham crackers, Apple, water almonds 2 Hardboiled Eggs, apple, water Almonds, green tea 2 Hardboiled Eggs, apple, water Yogurt and fruit
Lunch ½ PB sandwich, carrots ½ PB sandwich, HB egg Salad, avocado, shredded cheese and hummus Salad, avocado, shredded cheese and hummus Turkey on whole wheat Homemade Pizza
Dinner Grilled chicken bake with onions, spinach, mozzarella, pesto Crockpot meal with chicken, tomatoes, spinach, onions, quinoa, Leftover grilled chicken bake Crockpot leftovers Leftovers Salad with crockpot chicken
Evening snack Almonds, hot tea Popcorn, water 2 Graham crackers Almonds, hot tea 2 Graham Crackers Wine and cheese

Keep working out in addition to your meal plan, it’s an added bonus.


lasagnaI hope you had a fantabulous Monday. I didn’t have the luxury of having this Columbus Day off but I got a lot done after work, including grocery shopping and laundry (wash, fold, and put away). With groceries in place for the week here is this week’s meal plan. The featured item this week is butternut squash. I love butternut squash, it has a sweetness to it like yams and can be cooked in a variety of ways.
Checkout the meals and make tweaks to suit your palate, just keep it healthy and meaningful.

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday
Breakfast 1 slice of toast with avocado slices on top ; 1 hard boiled egg; green tea Oatmeal, Green tea, apple Canadian bacon with slice of fresh mozzarella cheese on 2 pieces of whole wheat toast Oatmeal, Green tea, apple Egg scramble with spinach and mushrooms Canadian bacon, scrambled egg, avocado slice, tea
Snack 2 graham crackers, grapes, water Cheesestick, grapes, water 2 Hardboiled Eggs, apple, water Graham crackers, 1 Hardboiled egg, water Cheddar cheese stick, 1 cup of grapes, water Butternut squash soup and toast

(I’m using Trader Joes brand)

Lunch Arugula salad with quinoa, chicken, broccoli, cheese Roast beef sandwich with hummus Spinach salad with grilled chicken, shredded mozzarella, Avocado Roast beef sandwich with hummus Grilled chicken pita with spinach, tomatoes, hummus Spinach salad with grilled chicken, shredded mozzarella, Avocado
Dinner Rest of salad and slice of whole wheat bread Butternut squash lasagna or squash, ground turkey & spinach casserole Butternut squash lasagna or squash, ground turkey & spinach casserole Quinoa and ground turkey meatballs, grilled egg plant Quinoa and ground turkey meatballs, broccoli Quinoa and ground turkey meatballs & roasted corn or lasagna & spinach
Evening snack White cheddar popcorn trader Joe’s, water White cheddar popcorn, water 15 animal crackers 15 animal crackers grapes Treat: Ice cream or glass of wine and cheese

Throughout the course of the week, I will be doing some sort of exercise/workout.

Last week’s #MealPlanMonday Repost

clean eating

Hi everyone!!! It’s been a little while since my last post but I’m back……
I was inspired by a clean eating challenge that I’m involved in to post my meal plan for the week. This plan is cost effective and it uses leftovers for multiple meals and keeps me from eating out. I hope this may inspire someone. Feel free to switch things up, you don’t want to get bored eating the same thing over and over again. Lack of variety will cause you to deviate from your plan and your ultimate goal.

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday
Breakfast Oatmeal, toast, hot green tea Oatmeal, Green tea, grapes Egg scramble with spinach and left over salmon patty Canadian bacon, Toast, grapes


Oatmeal, toast, Green tea Egg scramble with spinach and left over salmon patty
Snack 2 graham crackers, Apple, water 2 Graham crackers, water 2 Hardboiled Eggs, apple, water Cheese stick

2 Hardboiled eggs

Green Tea

Cheddar cheese stick, 1 cup of grapes, water Will be attending a birthday party earlier in the day
Lunch Spinach salad w/avocado and mozzarella cheese Avocado and hardboiled egg cut up and mixed together Half peanut butter sandwich, cheese stick Grilled chicken pita with spinach with shredded Mozarella Half peanut butter sandwich, apple, water
Dinner Baked salmon patty, corn, and sweet potato Baked Salmon patty, corn, string beans Grilled chicken, squash, zucchini, Salmon burger, squash, zucchini Grilled chicken salad, hardboiled egg
Evening snack Cheddar cheese stick, 1 cup of grapes, hot tea Popcorn, water 2 Graham crackers Popcorn 2 Graham Crackers

Throughout the course of the week, I will be doing some sort of exercise/workout. My goal for clean eating is weight loss and becoming a healthier person by making better food choices.


clean eating

Hi everyone!!! It’s been a little while since my last post but I’m back……
I was inspired by a clean eating challenge that I’m involved in to post my meal plan for the week. This plan is cost effective and it uses leftovers for multiple meals and keeps me from eating out. I hope this may inspire someone. Feel free to switch things up, you don’t want to get bored eating the same thing over and over again. Lack of variety will cause you to deviate from your plan and your ultimate goal.

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday
Breakfast Oatmeal, toast, hot green tea Oatmeal, Green tea, grapes Egg scramble with spinach and left over salmon patty Canadian bacon, Toast, grapes, water Oatmeal, toast, Green tea Egg scramble with spinach and left over salmon patty
Snack 2 graham crackers, Apple, water 2 Graham crackers, water 2 Hardboiled Eggs, apple, water Cheese stick

2 Hardboiled eggs

Green Tea

Cheddar cheese stick, 1 cup of grapes, water Will be attending a birthday party earlier in the day
Lunch Spinach salad w/avocado and mozzarella cheese Avocado and hardboiled egg cut up and mixed together Half peanut butter sandwich, cheese stick Grilled chicken pita with spinach with shredded Mozarella Half peanut butter sandwich, apple, water
Dinner Baked salmon patty, corn, and sweet potato Baked Salmon patty, corn, string beans Grilled chicken, squash, zucchini, Salmon burger, squash, zucchini Grilled chicken salad, hardboiled egg
Evening snack Cheddar cheese stick, 1 cup of grapes, hot tea Popcorn, water 2 Graham crackers Popcorn 2 Graham Crackers

Throughout the course of the week, I will be doing some sort of exercise/workout. My goal for clean eating is weight loss and becoming a healthier person by making better food choices.

Last days of summer cocktail!!

Good Sunday!  I hope you had a great weekend and are preparing for a great week.  I enjoyed a girls’ weekend with my mom and daughter, filled with pumpkin picking, arts and crafts festival, state fair type food and a little live music.  I will miss these outdoor activities when the summer is over, they are my favorite weekend activities especially with Ms. J.

As this summer comes to an end, I plan to post a weekly cocktail segment for quick,easy libations to satisfy your weekend indulge or that much deserved Manic Monday drink.  Thirsty Thursdays, Turn Up Tuesday? I will figure out a cute name for the segment eventually.  For those of you who do not take part in alcoholic beverages I will toss in some fun mocktails as well.

This week I chose something pretty simple with a couple of items I already had in my cabinet.  Drum roll……………..It’s a whiskey Sangria! I am not a Whiskey drinker but this Sangria is delicious.



  1. White or Red Wine of choice, preferrably something sweeter  ( I used White Zinfandel)
  2. Bourbon Whiskey (I used Jamison)
  3. Red and Black Berries

How To:

Add a couple of berries to a wine glass or mason jar and muddle them at that bottom of the glass. Fill the glass with ice, add the wine about 1/3 of the way.  Add a shot of whiskey (add more or less to your liking, but don’t let it over power the drink).  Lastly, add a few more berries to the glass for flavor and presentation.  Bottoms up!

Comment and let me know what you think of this cocktail. If you have any suggestions for drinks alcoholic or non, feel free to contact me or suggest in the comment section.

Mommy Stylez XOXO